Corporate Sustainability

Corporations that are interested in embedding sustainability into their systems can benefits from our many years of experience working with assessment of their organisation, campus operations, curricula assessment, and teacher education

Sustainable Business Models

We can help your business become more sustainable through the expertise we have in assessment, change management, stakeholder engagement, collaboration, training, energy, and indoor air-quality.

Sustainability Assessment

Organisations are increasingly looking to demonstrate the results of their sustainability efforts. Sustainability Assessment and Reporting provides this, especially through our own custom-made tools.

Energy and Indoor Air Quality

Energy and Indoor Air Quality are very important for organisations to keep costs controlled, maintain employee health, and help reduce costs. Most of the times, energy measures result in poor indoor air quality.

Circular Economy

MaCircular Economy aims to reduce environmental impacts of materials and their flow, whilst at the same time taking into consideration economic impacts. We have considerable experience in providing training and facilitating decision-making.